BIG LOVE BLOG- Our story of love and family


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Today is the day...April 13th!

Court date- It's here & will happen in just a matter of hours now! I want to just post quickly and say that we have been completely BLOWN AWAY by all of the love for Solie and our the rest of us! I have been in awe this week, and especially today at how many of you have been praying for us and a successful court date. So so many people love this little child. What a journey it has been. I feel very calm and confident that God is totally in conrtol of all of this, no matter the outcome today. More than anything, I cannot wait for you guys to see this awesome little wonder! She is amazing and we feel kind of overwhelmed by the support and love from our family, friends, blog buddies, IAN mommas, & church family. We love and appreciate you so much.
God is good-All the time!
Will post as we learn more!


Rebecca said...

I'm stalking your blog today for the big news!!!

Debbie said...

I'll be stalking your blog today!!!! Come on 'good news.'