Well, I know it has been a few weeks since you have had an adoption update so here we go!!!
We have been on the wait list for a baby girl for over one month now. This does not seem like any time to me with all of the good stuff happening in life...DO NOT GET ME WRONG>>>>MOMMA IS READY!!!!!!! We are still #5 as far as I know...Not any movement right now on the wait list for girls..but I know that will change soon. So for now we are happy with good old #5! I am so so so looking toward the day we get to see the face of our little girl.
Some stuff has been happening in my mind lately. I have been challenged...beyond-way beyond my comfort zone. I have been learning about people who do some amazing stuff with life...And I am feeling like I am meant to do more. I am selfish by nature...for those of you who have known me for some time, you know I have had moments of selfishness to the extreme in my life. Bianca has changed a good deal of that, but I feel something once again rising up within me.
More...More...More is on my mind. What can I do MORE of to give back, to make a difference for people in need...to live less for myself and more for what God is challenging within me.
These are all of my own thoughts, but this is a place to get honest, so I am. Does it mean that I need to take on more children this time around? Are we meant to adopt a sibling group, twins, one child, two children...still not sure.
We are beginnning an orphan ministry at our church, and it is going to be awesome. I am going to be as much a part of that as possible. Our church is also going to begin to really support local foster care...I had never considered what these kids go through in the system. It blows my mind. I met a woman at our church who is a foster mom and she is just inspiring. That is what I want more of. I want to surround myself with these people. I want to stretch myself, encourage and support others in adoption, in taking responsibility for children in need, to just STAND UP and STEP UP as a voice for these kids.
I have been meaning to blog about the non-profit we are creating. It is called Room For One More. Created by 3 adoptive moms who are committed to make a difference for orphans around the world. Room For One More was created to inform, counsel, educate, and assist families in funding adoption. We are also committed to inspiring others who may not see adoption in their future to step up and take action for children in need in other tangible ways. I will post more about it over the next few weeks. At this time we are working on the website, information packets, funding (gotta love it!) and just getting our focus. It has been in the works for over a year and just now we are seeing it really begin to take shape.
Life gets by so quickly, I do not want to be lazy and look back at how much I did not do...I want to look back and see what all God was able to use this simple chic to do to help make a difference.
Now let's get to some new Bianca pics. This chic knows how to enjoy life!
Looking totally indepedent in her little Uggs and jean skirt!
Bianca is obsessed with shoes...Typically mine...Heels especially!
You are soo amazing!! You do soo much that I am feeling guilty for shopping too much and being sooo self-absorbed!
I have met so many incredible people on this journey - amazing how your heart just keeps opening up to new ideas and new friendships.
You are soo NOT self absorbed...At least not the Mindy I know! We are all just trying to figure it out.
Thanks for the kudos though.
I am glad I know you, and I am glad adoption brought our lives together.
Wow, that was like reading my own thoughts. I also feel I am hear to do more. Gabre has changed my life in so many ways. She gives me a new focus that has nothing to do with my own needs. Ethiopia has given me a drive to do more.
Oh how I wish we lived near you!
Me too! Thanks for posting Leah. I think so many of us are on the same path. I cannot wait to see what happens. I want to be ready and willing to whatever comes our way!
We love Gabre pics!
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Chantelle, you are one of the least selfish people I have ever met. You have done more in the last couple years than most people do in a life time. God is using you in so many wonderful ways. Susie
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